Attraction Marketing With a Great Real Estate Website With Dustin Brohm – Episode 61


If you don’t know what attraction marketing is, you need to learn it yesterday!  It’s a newer term that refers to a strategy that entices your ideal customers to come to you, asking you to take their business rather than you chasing them down, begging them to give you business. It really is that simple – at least in theory. Exactly HOW to apply attraction marketing isn’t all that simple, but when it’s done right it’s a gold mine! My friend Dustin is quickly becoming my go-to guy when it comes to learning new ways to practice this powerful attractional approach, so I thought I’d have him on the podcast (again) to unpack the goods when it comes to building a killer, attractional agent website. When you chase your customers they tend to run away from you. So, STOP IT! The old style of marketing was to blanket a neighborhood, city, or region with your…

What most Real Estate Agents do WRONG on their websites – Episode 12


Thanks for visiting this show notes page for the Onion Juice Real Estate podcast, I’m Neil Mathweg and I’m starting a movement to revolutionize the Real Estate industry one agent at a time. Today I want to chat about websites, and not just any websites, YOUR website. I want you to take a long, hard look at the way your website is designed to see if there are some small but important things you can do to maximize its use as a tool to collect leads, communicate your story, and gain new clients. I’m not kidding. Some of these ideas could crank up business more than you think.   A Real Estate agent website is more than you think.   You need to think of your website as more than just a billboard of services that you offer. It’s a story. It’s your story. It’s the story of who you are and how you do…