It’s time to take a deep-dive. Do you have your oxygen tank? I’ve talked a lot about attracting business instead of chasing it on this podcast, but I realized that I haven’t gone deeply enough into the subject to tell you exactly what it might look like. So that’s what this episode is – my attraction marketing deep-dive where I’m going to tell you what attraction marketing is, why it’s much more effective than the old style marketing we’re used to, and how you can do it in a variety of ways. It’s an episode worth hearing so make sure you take the time. Attraction marketing is a counterintuitive concept, but it really works. Really. I was thinking this last week about the old-time television show or movie where the Mom puts her fresh-baked pie on the window sill to cool. The aroma of the delicious pie wafts through the neighborhood and the…
How To Attract New Customers Without Using Social Media – Episode 67
Every business person wants to know how to attract new customers, right? It’s how you make your living – serving more and more people really, really well. But I became aware of something lately that boggled my mind – and I want to talk to you about on this episode of The Onion Juice podcast. Here it is: Some people do NOT want to use social media to attract their customers. They don’t feel it fits their personality and style to use it. Wow. That blows my mind. But I think I get it. So on this episode, I’m going to give you some examples you can use to attract new customers WITHOUT using social media. Man, I can’t believe I’m even saying that! You are like a bear standing at the top of a waterfall, waiting to catch a salmon. You’ve probably seen the documentaries on TV where the gigantic grizzly bear…
Attraction Marketing With a Great Real Estate Website With Dustin Brohm – Episode 61
If you don’t know what attraction marketing is, you need to learn it yesterday! It’s a newer term that refers to a strategy that entices your ideal customers to come to you, asking you to take their business rather than you chasing them down, begging them to give you business. It really is that simple – at least in theory. Exactly HOW to apply attraction marketing isn’t all that simple, but when it’s done right it’s a gold mine! My friend Dustin is quickly becoming my go-to guy when it comes to learning new ways to practice this powerful attractional approach, so I thought I’d have him on the podcast (again) to unpack the goods when it comes to building a killer, attractional agent website. When you chase your customers they tend to run away from you. So, STOP IT! The old style of marketing was to blanket a neighborhood, city, or region with your…