Welcome to the Onion Juice Podcast! Today we’re going to talk with Nick Raithel, creator of The 7-Hour book, about how writing a book can be your best “calling card.” We’ll also talk about “finding your 25th hour” and other time management tips you can use, and I will fill you in on the details about my Roundbox coaching program. This is a fast-paced episode with lots of good information. So, fasten your seatbelts and get listening! Check out My Roundbox Coaching Program Roundbox Coaching has been launched after a year of beta-testing and is now available for everyone. In this episode, I’ll tell you all about it. You can overcome Shiny Object Syndrome and design and clear and consistent plan that fits who you are. I’ll tell you where to get all the information, and even tell you how to get my 15-option business plan page for free. If you’re wanting to design a…
How to Get Listings in a Tight Market – Episode 83
This week I had a conversation with one of my listeners about how tough it is to get listings and become a listing agent in the tight market that we have right now. Is the struggle worth it? Does it even make financial sense? In this episode, I’m going to give you a pep talk about becoming a listing agent and help you build your confidence and believe that you are a listing agent. Listen in and then join me on the Facebook group to continue the conversation! It’s not a listing appointment, it’s a listening appointment! Many Realtors experience some level of anxiety around creating and delivering a listing presentation. You can take the stress out of that appointment by listening instead of presenting. In this episode, I’ll explain how that works and how you can get a free copy of the questions that I use to create meaningful conversation during a listing appointment….
Shifting Your Mindset to Revitalize Your Business with Joe Marks – Episode 82
Are you ready to call it quits? Feeling discouraged or stuck in your Real Estate business? Shifting your mindset can make a big difference and help you revitalize your business. Today’s podcast is in response to a listener’s question. Four years in, he’s not doing well and wonders whether it’s time to cut his losses and move on to something else. I’ll respond to his question with my top recommendations for a person who is stuck. And then we’ll talk with my co-worker, Joe Marks, who was ready to quit two years ago and has experienced a complete turnaround. Join us. You’ll be glad you did. Here’s how to raise your confidence level in your Real Estate business How confident are you as you approach your Real Estate business? If you’re discouraged and thinking about calling it quits, chances are you have lost your confidence. In this episode, I’ll give you some ideas about how…
Real Estate Marketing on Facebook and other Social Media, with Dustin Brohm- Episode 81
My good friend Dustin Brohm recently attended the Social Media Marketing World conference in San Diego. In this episode, we are chatting about his takeaways and how what he learned relates to Real Estate marketing on Facebook and other social media. Listen to this episode to hear Dustin’s take on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram. Find out how to use Google Analytics to track your Facebook ads. I think you’ll enjoy this lighthearted conversation and you’ll learn a lot in the process! Why it’s still a great time to start a Facebook group Groups are not being utilized as much as they should be for Real Estate marketing on Facebook. In this episode, Dustin Brohm talks about starting groups and shares some great ideas for getting people to engage within the group. Want to know how to make new members feel welcome? You’ll find out here. Listen to this episode and be motivated to create…