Thanks for visiting this show notes page for the Onion Juice Real Estate podcast, I’m Neil Mathweg and I’m starting a movement to revolutionize the Real Estate industry one agent at a time. Today I want to chat about websites, and not just any websites, YOUR website. I want you to take a long, hard look at the way your website is designed to see if there are some small but important things you can do to maximize its use as a tool to collect leads, communicate your story, and gain new clients. I’m not kidding. Some of these ideas could crank up business more than you think.
A Real Estate agent website is more than you think.
You need to think of your website as more than just a billboard of services that you offer. It’s a story. It’s your story. It’s the story of who you are and how you do business, how you help people like the ones who are looking at your website. It needs to be written in a way that is appealing, that makes people smile, that makes them want to do business with you. That kind of writing takes time, and it might even take a professional copywriter to get the job done right. Think through your website in different ways and you might just turn up with different results.
Your website isn’t only for buyers.
This is a big one. I think most Realtors expect that their website is going to be used by people who are looking to buy a home. But in my experience buyers don’t go to real estate websites. They go to, they go to, not your website. the people who go to a real estate agent’s website are people who are looking to sell their home. So don’t forget about the sellers. Those people pay you a commission just as much as the other people do. If you leverage your website to be appealing to sellers, you just might find that you have a new stream of revenue that you never expected would be coming your way.
Does your website add value to the people who visit it?
If you’re trying to get people to go to your website, either by including your URL in advertisements are on your business cards, you need to make sure that when they get there people will find something of value. You can offer all kinds of things that people will find of interest and value, especially if they are new to your area. You can offer reviews on restaurants in the area, your impressions or comments about businesses and schools, you can even offer downloadable resources. Don’t miss out on opportunities to build the know, like, trust factor between you and your potential clients. Your website can help you do that, and should be helping you do that.
If your website isn’t capturing leads for you, it’s broken.
What is the biggest uses of a real estate agent website is to capture leads. How do you do that? You do it by offering your website visitors something of value that they can download in exchange for their email address. That tactic is nothing new, but it’s one that far too few real estate agents are employing on their websites. You’ve got to get a lead capture page set up immediately if you don’t have one already. You can listen to this episode to find out how I suggest you do it, along with some of the services that can help you make it a reality.
Outline of this great episode
- [0:24] My introduction to this episode about websites – YOUR website.
- [0:45] Could you give me a rating and review on iTunes?
- [1:34] How you can see my “listing presentation” to increase your business.
- [1:50] Why we’re missing the boat on website design.
- [3:08] Are you forgetting about the sellers visiting your website?
- [3:43] Are you giving people a reason to give you their email address?
- [5:39] How often do YOU hire someone because they have a great looking website?
- [8:09] The importance of your “About me” page.
- [8:55] Why social is vital to drive traffic to your website.
- [10:28] Tweaks you can make to your franchise website.
Resources & Links mentioned in this episode or
NeilMathweg (at) gmail (dot) com
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