Increase Your Business Via Live Videos On Facebook with Shannon Milligan – Episode 73

ncrease Your Business Via Live Videos On Facebook with Shannon Milligan - Episode 73

Creating live videos on Facebook is one of the newest media crazes that it seems like the whole world is jumping aboard. I FEEL IN MY GUT that there are so many possibilities to Facebook LIVE – and I’ve noticed one person in particular who is doing it incredibly well. Shannon Milligan is a person I first met on SnapChat about a year ago and is now doing an amazing live video show on Facebook every week where she gets incredible engagement and is actually building her business through the interactions she’s having there. You can hear Shannon’s first-hand account of what it’s been like to use live videos on Facebook, on this episode.   If you want better engagement, make it about your audience.   One of the things every real estate agent wants from their social media efforts is engagement. When people are interacting, asking questions, giving their feedback, you know you’ve created…

7 Reasons Camera First Should Be Your Marketing Strategy, with Chelsea Peitz – Episode 66

7 Reasons Camera First Should Be Your Marketing Plan with Chelsea Peitz

I’m so excited to bring you another of our “camera first” conversations on this episode of The Onion Juice podcast. I started this topic on last week’s show by having a conversation I had with my friend Chelsea Peitz and she had so much goodness to share with you about how to use the camera in your pocket I decided that we needed to talk about this topic a bit more. So in this episode, Chelsea is back to give you some great strategies and tips that you can use to put your camera first marketing strategy into practice. It’s not hard. But not everyone will do it. I dare you… NO, I double dog dare you to try out some of her suggestions!   You need to build a camera first strategy because everybody has one these days!   At a recent conference with 500 people in attendance the speaker wanted to make the…

Huge opportunity awaits with Facebook LIVE – Episode 37

Ep 37 Album cover

Want to learn how to attract business instead of chasing it? You probably already know that’s what Onion Juice is all about. This podcast is dedicated to helping realtors learn how to think outside the box. That’s why in this episode I’ve invited a real estate agent who’s absolutely crushing it with Facebook Live to teach us some tricks. Listen to him describe how within just the first couple months of using Facebook Live, he’s already seeing incredible results.    My chest cavity is on fire! Um, don’t REALLY drink onion juice.   My guest in this episode took the Onion Juice challenge a little too far. That is, he took it literally! He drank onion juice and made a Facebook Live video of the event–including himself crying. Thankfully, he didn’t record the part where he got sick twice afterwards! Okay, not the smartest move. But this guy’s a genius when it comes to using…