I totally, TOTALLY appreciate you taking the time to listen to this episode of Onion Juice. And do you know what else I appreciate? When you share the show with others. If you would be so kind as to hit the share buttons right on this page and give us a shout, that would help other people like you get word of the stuff we’re doing right here to help them ramp up their Real Estate business. Thanks! On today’s show we’ll be chatting about Snapchat (again), but this time it’s going to be a bit different. I’m chatting with the Real Estate contacts I’ve made on Snapchat to discover why they like Snapchat so much and what they’re doing to move their businesses forward using the platform. Snapchat is a game changer for REALTORs all over the country. Snapchat is different than most social media platforms because it’s so much easier to be…