There is a powerful shift that takes place when you start living your life according to a vision, instead of just living to meet your needs! In the last episode, I talked about how to create a vivid vision for your life. This vision helps you to adopt an abundance mindset and focus on what truly matters. This week, we are going to peel back more of that onion and drink a little more on the subject of vision! If you haven’t listened to episode 124, you should go guzzle that first, it’s still fresh! Needs vs. Vision When you roll out of bed in the morning and start thinking about your day, do you focus on how you are going to pay bills, or how you are going to use that day to accomplish a grand vision that adds value to your life and to those around you? Truthfully, we all focus on those…
Are You Living According To A Vision For Your Life or Living According Your Needs? – Episode 124
I want you to start living your life according to a vivid vision! Hey juicers, on this episode, I share a powerful concept that will help you stay focused on the vision that drives your company, not just the immediate needs that pop up. The difference is subtle, but the result is remarkable! Listen to this OJ episode to start living according to your vision! Are you living by a vision or by your needs? Most of us are used to responding to needs and do everything we can to meet those needs as they arise. This is not inherently bad, those things absolutely need to be addressed, but at what cost? This endless cycle is one reason why people never step into their true purpose. Barry Bennett makes the point that most inventions, scientific advancements, and dramatic accomplishments were done by people who didn’t focus on their need, but rather on something that motivated…