Dustin Brohm is to the onion juice what Bill Murray was to Late Night. Seriously, this guy has been on the Onion Juice podcast SO MANY times, he is practically a co-host. I sat down with Dustin to talk about what happened this week at the Utah Mastermind, a real estate summit in Park City, Utah. Twenty-six of us gathered to share ideas, develop business plans and learn some very powerful tools to help our businesses grow. Besides having a ton of fun, everyone who attended walked away with real value. Dustin drops some amazing nuggets, so make sure you listen with a pen in hand!
The snap pack is back
Last year, 8 realtors got together on the OJP (ep #23) to talk about how we were using Snapchat to sell real estate. We dubbed ourselves the “Snap Pack,” and had a great conversation about how to be media companies that happen to sell real estate. On THIS episode, Dustin talks about why we decided to expand the summit to 26 people, the goal for the Utah mastermind and the power of having a group of like-minded people in one place for several days.
Attract business with Google’s new tools
There was SO MUCH great content shared at the 2nd annual Utah Mastermind. Dustin Brohm presented some outstanding content on why Google continues to be a relevant source for realtors looking for new leads. I was so excited about what he presented and how much he knows about how to use Google effectively. On this episode, he talks about some of the new tools that Google has launched recently, such as Google posts, how to optimize SEO and why these techniques can help you as a realtor. Listen to all the great nuggets Dustin shares.
Facebook tips and tricks that WORK
Facebook ads can be complicated to build and manage. Dustin Brohm shares his process for simple, effective ads on this episode of the OJP. This guy is an expert facebook marketer when it comes to real estate, so you can take what he says and turn it into gold. Dustin was able to simplify many of the concepts with us, which provided tremendous value. Listen to the full recap on this episode.
Why you should attend the Utah mastermind
If you are a realtor looking for new ways to attract business, you should seriously consider attending the Utah mastermind summit. I asked Dustin Brohm, one of the founders to talk about what the culture at the summit is like, and how it provides value to real estate agents. He talked about the fun, laid-back approach that is prevalent, but also the intense focus that is present from everyone. “There was 26 of us, everyone had a laptop out and was planning, and even implementing new ideas immediately,” he said. “There are people here who have been doing real estate for decades, and people who have only been in the business for a year.” It was a great summit and a great conversation with Dustin Brohm.
Outline of this great episode
- [5:00] Dustin Brohm introduced
- [6:45] What is the Utah Mastermind for realtors
- [10:30] Dustin recaps day one at the mastermind: Best practices for using Google to generate leads
- [15:30] Google posts – The brand new Google tool you should be using
- [19:00] Dustin shares some best practices for using Facebook ads that actually work
- [30:00] Why you should attend the Utah Mastermind
- [36:00] Dustin shares general information about the Utah Mastermind
Resources and Links mentioned in this episode
- Zillow.com
- Google.com
- Youtube.com
- Snapchat
- getmxt.com
- Agentology.com (Deal: agentology.com/snappack, 30-day trial FREE)
- Java Cow coffee shop
- utahmastermind.com
Our sponsors:
- www.KnightBarry.com – check them out for all your title needs.
- www.EasyAgentPro.com/OJ – get $100 off by using this link (both my site and my company’s website are EAP sites… check them out below)
- To get my free pdf business plan, text “roundbox” to 44222
- To get my 11-question listing presentation tips, text “listing” to 44222
- To contact me about coaching, check out Roundbox Coaching
- Join the FACEBOOK Group: Onion Juice – Ideas for Real Estate Agents
- And… here’s the company I work with in Madison, WI – RealtyExecutivescs.com
Connect with me!
You can find my personal real estate coaching website here
And connect with me on ANY of the following social channels. I LOVE social!
And finally, if you would be so kind – leave a rating and review for the Onion Juice podcast on Apple Podcasts (formerly iTunes)
Dustin trying to justify keeping REMM in Park City every year lol!!!