Every time you put yourself out there on social media or by creating an event, you are an artist! Start thinking of it that way. Put some zing into your networking, your marketing, and everything you do as a professional. That’s what I focus on in this episode of Onion Juice. What can we real estate professionals learn from a singer-songwriter? A lot. You might be surprised! If you’re a frequent juicer, welcome back! If you’re a first timer, welcome aboard, and feel free to go back to the previous 34 episodes. You’ve got a lot to catch up on!
Networking is an art! Learn to be a media company that happens to sell real estate.
When you promote your business or yourself as a professional, does it inspire you? Does what you’re posting or hosting make you feel alive? If not, you can learn some valuable lessons from artists. When a singer-songwriter creates songs, designs a T-shirt or a website, they’re promoting themselves, trying to attract people to their music. That’s what we do when we make videos or blog posts. In this episode, I’m going to talk to singer-songwriter Michael Shynes about his work. I think you’ll see a lot of important parallels to your own professional endeavors.
Be consistent. Over and over and over.
I recently hosted a backyard barbecue which included a house concert by Michael Shynes. When I told him how disappointed I was that more people hadn’t shown up, he reminded me, “It’s not about the people who don’t show up, but the people who do.” Duh! I used to know that. I built my business, even this podcast, one by one by one. You just keep showing up. Be consistent. Nothing gets built in one lump sum; success is always an incremental process. Check out this podcast for more insights I learned from an evening with an artist.
There are LOTS of realtors, but very few artists among them, few who stand out from the crowd.
As I listened to singer-songwriter Michael Shynes perform, I noticed that what made him really compelling was the little stories he told before each song. He pulled people in by sharing his story, sometimes some very personal and unflattering details about his past. That’s how you connect with people! Tell your story. People don’t want to listen to you promote your business, but if you can open up to them, let them know who you really are, that’s where powerful connections happen. A realtor can draw inspiration from the artist’s model on many levels, as I explore in this episode of Onion Juice.
On your way to the top, don’t forget to enjoy the climb.
I never wanted to win the lottery. And as a realtor I don’t want anyone handing me free business. Yes, I want to be successful. Of course I do; why else would I work at all? But I also want to enjoy the climb. I want to do this work. I thrive on connecting with people, caring about them, helping them as I can. That’s my drive. If someone just picked me up and put me at the top, I’d feel like I lost my mojo. Listen here to an artist’s explanation of the same feeling. This is a big part of why I believe professionals who follow their passion are artists.
Outline of this great episode
- [1:27] Learn to be an artist, not just a realtor.
- [3:20] Introducing singer-songwriter Michael Shynes (even though he’s a Vikings fan)
- [6:14] The new Onion Juice segment everyone’s raving about: Jerry Potter’s “This Week in Social Media.”
- [10:04] Focusing on those who DO show up to build your business one by one by one.
- [11:42] The power of story-selling and truly connecting with people.
- [16:35] “Rundown Street Lights,” by Michael Shynes.
- [20:52] The importance of enjoying the climb on your way to the top.
- [28:50] Another Shynes song that really resonated with me during a difficult time in my life.
Resources & Links mentioned in this episode
Our sponsor: www.KnightBarry.com
Michael Shynes – www.michaelshynes.com
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