Hey there, welcome back to the onion juice podcast, my name is Neil Mathwig and I am your host and guide on this journey to building a media company that happens to sell real estate. On this episode I am going to be talking to you about my plans for 2016, and what I intend to do regarding building my own media plan. What the media plan? You can keep reading to find out or you can listen to this episode. Either way, I’m going to try to share with you the exact steps I’m going to take to make the best use of social media for my business in 2016.
What is a media plan?
I don’t know if what I’m about to describe is really what a “media plan” is, but it’s what I am calling a media plan for the sake of my postings and leveraging of social media. I’ve come to realize that today’s world is a social media world. We real estate agents have to get ourselves up to speed on this powerful platforms for building relationships and making connections with potential clients. I am putting together my own plan for how I’m going to use social media in 2016, and on this episode I’m going to share the steps with you.
My new/old idea – the Backseat Driver podcast.
One of the most exciting things that I have planned for 2016 is the revival of an older podcast that I did called, “The Backseat Driver.” when I did this podcast before it was just about my life journey, weight loss, stuff like that. But now, I’m going to focus in on my hometown, Madison, Wisconsin. I’ll be talking about things to do in Madison, places to visit in, restaurants you can enjoy, and all with the hopes of drawing people who are interested in Madison into a conversation that is fun and enjoyable. All the while, I’ll be positioning myself as the go to realtor in Madison for people who are moving into the area. It’s going to be a fun project, and will take a lot of work, but is one of the tools I am putting into my media plan for 2016.
Specific strategies for specific social media platforms.
There are so many social media platforms out there, how do you know what you should do I need one? And more to the point, how do you actually become active on each one? In this episode I’m going to share with you my plans for each social media platform. I don’t pretend to think that these are the only things you can do or even the best things, but they are the steps I’m going to take in 2016 to get my real estate business noticed and effective on social media. Heck, anything is better than nothing, right?.
How in the HECK am I going to get all this done each week?
When you hear all the plans I have for my media activities in 2016, you’re probably going to wonder if social media is the only thing I do. But I can assure you it’s not. That’s why I’m creating a media plan. The plan helps me think through the exact steps I’m going to take to ensure that every bit of what I’m talking about can actually be accomplished. And most of it is not really all that time consuming. I just have to be organized and think it through ahead of time. I hope there’s something on this episode that can help you build your own media plan, and more importantly, implement it powerfully.
Outline of this great episode
- [0:24] My introduction to this episode to kick off 2016.
- [1:40] The overall concept of media and social media.
- [3:31] One of my biggest ideas for a new media platform (an additional podcast)
- [6:56] My plan for Facebook, Instagram, Periscope, LinkedIn, and others.
- [10:22] An example of the type of interaction that can happen on social media.
- [12:40] An idea I’m going to try on Instagram.
- [13:00] How you can network with Realtors from across the country.
- [15:26] My ideas and thoughts about Facebook for this year.
- [18:51] Snapchat ideas for 2016.
- [22:20] The Periscope goal for 2016 and ideas for you from what I’m doing.
- [23:00] LinkedIn strategies.
- [23:30] Google+ ideas for the coming year.
- [26:00] How I plan on doing all these things weekly.
- [27:11] How you can get in touch.
Resources & Links mentioned in this episode
BOOK: Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook
Episode 12: All about Instagram
Follow Neil on:
Periscope (search for @NeilMathweg)
SnapChat: NeilMathweg
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