Is your attraction pillar becoming a distraction? The attraction pillar is the fun stuff…social media, Facebook ads, YouTube Videos, LinkedIn Content, among other things. I say all the time that we are media companies that happen to sell real estate. But, for many of you, your attraction pillar is actually distracting you, and your sphere of influence and your chase pillar are suffering. If this is you, I want to help you course correct, and learn how to balance your attraction, your chase, and your sphere of influence. Is your attraction pillar becoming a distraction? Shoutout to Zach and Ally from The Reality A to Z, who said “don’t let your attraction pillar become a distraction,” which inspired me to record this episode! Great advice, guys! I would love to work on my attraction pillar all the time, who wouldn’t? It’s fun to create and content and Vlog and host events. I think many of…