

Facebook has been around for a long long time now, so you know how to use it. Or do you? On this episode I want to talk about something that has been on my mind a lot lately, and it’s the way real estate agents do absolutely stupid things on Facebook, all in attempts to promote their business.  If you want to learn how to use Facebook for the reasons it was created and to increase your business at the same time, you want to hear this episode.


You’ve got to remember it’s SOCIAL media.


The most important thing about social media, including Facebook, is that it is meant to be social. Nobody goes there to have your advertisements and personal pep rallies blasted across their newsfeed. They go there to interact, to laugh, to enjoy relationships with people from across the world. You have got to learn how to become one of those people if you are a real estate business is going to benefit from facebook at all. On this episode I’m talking about how you do that, and even give you a lot of ideas about how you can use your niche, real estate, to do exactly that.


Why you should be using videos on Facebook.


In case you haven’t noticed, Facebook is becoming more and more full of videos. And they’re not videos that are linked to from YouTube, they are videos that have been uploaded directly to Facebook. I suspect that Facebook is trying to compete with YouTube on one level, and that’s why they want videos uploaded directly to their site, but regardless of the reason the fact is that they are  giving more strength to posts that contain videos uploaded directly to their platform.  I have been using video for quite some time now, and I’ve been uploading to Facebook as well. On this episode I’m going to show you how you can use video on Facebook to get your prospective clients engaged with you.

What you need to learn from Taylor Swift.

When Barbara Walters asked Taylor Swift if she was scared about making the transition from country music to pop, she said no, because she was only doing what her fans wanted. Realtors need to learn a lesson from Taylor Swift. Give your fans what they want  On social media.They don’t want to be marketed to. They don’t want your market report. They don’t want pictures of your latest closing.  They want engagement. They want entertainment. They want authenticity.  And they want to know that someone in the real estate world cares about them and their situation. That person could be you, if you will give them what they want.


Facebook ads can be amazing tools, if you know how to use them.


You may be so busy making money at your real estate business that you don’t know that Facebook now allows you to purchase advertisements. Seriously, you can drill down many, many levels deep to put your ads and announcements right in front of the very people you want to see them. But you got to go about it Strategically, and you’ve got to know how to use the Facebook platform to make it happen. This episode is not a tutorial on how to use Facebook ads, but it is going to help you understand why ads might be the missing key to your real estate success.


Outline of this great episode


  • [0:28] Is Facebook dead? Why would you want to be there?
  • [3:04] Yay! Episode 11 is here!
  • [3:15] How Facebook is a competition for people’s attention!
  • [4:25] The power of adding videos to Facebook.
  • [6:10] Why having fun on Facebook is powerful: my trivia game.
  • [7:28] Game ideas for Facebook.
  • [10:38] How Facebook advertising has changed the game altogether.
  • [11:57] A few ideas for Realtors that have been working.
  • [15:07] A personal rant about closing pictures VS a story you tell.
  • [17:23] People are not on Facebook to be marketed to, they’re there to have fun.
  • [19:50] How you can connect with me on Instagram and Facebook.
  • [20:00] Would you be kind enough to leave a rating and review on iTunes?

Resources & Links mentioned in this episode


Facebook ads tutorial


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