It’s episode 9 of the Onion Juice Podcast… almost to double digits (every little milestone counts, right?). On this episode I’m going to be covering an issue that is very important for all of us Real Estate Agents – convincing people VS compelling them. You may not have given it much thought but you need to know the difference – and more importantly, you need to apply the difference in every situation where you’re working with people. It is the difference between good client relationships and strained client relationships. Learn more on this episode.


Do you know the difference between convincing and compelling?


When you’re on the way to a listing appointment, when you’re doing a showing, when you’re talking with potential client, these are all situations where you might feel the need to convince someone that you are the right real estate agent for them to work with. The problem is, convincing people to work with you is not the best way to go about it. You want to compel them to work with you, and you have got to know the difference between the two. Compelling is the softer approach, it’s enabling them to feel comfortable with you instead of pressured by you. You’re going to learn the difference, front to back, on this episode of Onion Juice.

Why compelling beats convincing every time.


When a person feels compelled to work with you, they actually want to work with you.  There’s something in the way you presented yourself, something in the value you have provided to them, something in the way you have made them feel cared for, that has created and internal motivation in their soul to work with you. In short, they of convince themselves that you are the best choice because of the way you have dealt with them as an individual. Compelling beats convincing every time. Find out more on this episode.

Asking the right questions is the most powerful way you can compel people to use you as their Real Estate agent.


One of the most powerful tools any person can have in their relational toolbox is great questions. Questions cause other people to feel cared for. Questions show that you are interested in them. Questions demonstrate that your agenda is not the most important thing to you, but rather that their interests take a higher place in your mind. On this episode I’m going to demonstrate how powerful questions can be in compelling people to work with you. If you are a real estate agent who needs to find more clients and actually get them to list their properties with you, this is a skill you have got to learn.


Providing value online can close the gap between convincing and compelling.


One of the greatest benefits to creating a digital communications company that also sells real estate, is that you are able to provide great value to people you’ve never spoken to long before they make contact with you.  They are able to build trust in you without you even knowing about it. When they finally make connection with you they are already sold on the fact that you are the real estate agent for them to hire. On this episode of Onion Juice I’m going to show you how it works and give you some suggestions for how you can go about it.


Outline of this great episode


  • [0:24] Welcome to this episode about convincing and compelling.
  • [1:28] What your rating and review could for others (and for this show).
  • [2:30] How you can download my free listing process.
  • [3:05] Why it’s much better to compel someone instead of having to convince them.
  • [5:40] Situations where you feel you have to convince… but should compel them instead.
  • [6:50] The power of asking the right questions in compelling people to work with you.
  • [13:18] How a little thought can find a way to compel people to work with you.

Resources & Links mentioned in this episode


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