Do You Love Yourself Enough To Stay Disciplined? – Episode #167

Do You Love Yourself Enough To Stay Disciplined? - Episode #167

Are you struggling to stay disciplined as a real estate agent? I won’t lie to you friend, remaining disciplined is NOT easy. The majority of our struggle is wrapped up in the lie we’ve told ourselves that discipline is a bad word. It’s not! Actually, the more I think about it the more I have come to realize that self-discipline and self-love are the same things. Today I want to tackle the negative vibe around the word discipline and show you how vital it is in loving yourself and growing your real estate business. It’s time to eliminate the stigma around staying disciplined Parents who love their kids will discipline their kids. It’s a fact we can’t avoid because we know without our direction they will not reach their full potential. Even if that means making them do things that they don’t want to do in the moment. I hate to break it to you…