I’m starting over in Real Estate. I’m stepping down from my position as CEO of Realty Executives Cooper Spransy, and getting back into selling Real Estate. On this episode, I explain why I am making this change and how it will help me be an even better coach. I also share my plan for how I am going to get back into sales. Listen to this podcast to find out how and when I am making this transition and to get ideas for a fresh start for your Real Estate business.
Join me on my journey as I start over in Real Estate sales
I am excited about stepping down from my CEO responsibilities and starting over as a practitioner in the Real Estate industry. And I’m looking forward to sharing my journey with you! I’ll be documenting the failures and successes, the craziness and the joy along the road. Travel along with me on this podcast and watch the three pillars of my Roundbox business plan in action so that you can see how it can work for you, too. You’re sure to learn a lot of strategies and tips that you can put into practice to strengthen your own Real Estate business.
Strengthening my sphere of influence: Pillar #1 of my business plan
How many people do you have on your contact list? Do you actually know who they are? The first of the three pillars of my business plan is building my sphere of influence. After two-and-a-half years away from sales, starting over requires my e-mail & phone list to be weeded out and then strengthened until I have about 300 people to communicate with regularly. On this episode, I explain what I am doing to build that list, how I will use it once I have it, and why I will be intentionally imperfect in the process! Listen in to hear about what I am doing and find out how you can strengthen your contact list as well.
Chasing business: Pillar #2 of my business plan
If you have been around the Onion Juice Podcast for any time at all, you know that we are about being a media company that happens to sell Real Estate, and attracting business instead of chasing it. However, when you are first starting out (or starting over, as in my case), you have to chase. On this episode, I talk about the chase and how I plan to use Facebook to build the chase pillar of my business plan, even with limited time to invest in chasing. Listen in to learn about the chase and to get information about my favorite resource for supporting this pillar of your business plan.
Attracting business: Pillar #3 of my business plan
Attracting business is my favorite part of the business plan to talk about, as you already know if you are an Onion Juicer! I am excited about my upcoming plans for this pillar as I start over in Real Estate sales. I’m going to do a lot of weird things that I hope will help me build a tribe and a following in Madison. Listen in for some teasers about my plans to use social media and podcasting for this pillar, and find out what I believe are the benefits of doing audio instead of video. I hope you will join me on this journey, and I trust that my experience will inspire and equip you to start attracting business!
Outline of this great episode
- [0:24] Welcome to the Onion Juice Podcast!
- [1:57] Why you should join the Onion Juice Facebook group.
- [3:22] Why I am starting over in Real Estate sales.
- [8:29] Thanks to our sponsors, Knight Barry and Easy Agent Pro.
- [9:35] How I am going to creatively build my sphere of influence.
- [15:09] My plans for using Facebook to chase business.
- [18:01] How I’m going to use a new podcast to attract business.
- [21:39] Sharing the journey so that you can see how it can work for you too.
- [22:05] Join the group, follow me, ask me questions.
- [22:27] Two Must-Do’s from Roundbox
Resources & Links mentioned in this episode
Top Real Estate groups on Facebook (TJ Kelly)
PodcastFastTrack (Carey Green)
ServiceForLife.com newsletter service
For free pdf business plan, text “roundbox” to 44222
Neil’s Coaching program
Join the Onion Juice – Ideas for Real Estate Agents Facebook Group
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