Hey! Thank you so much for visiting this show notes page. This is where I give you a summary and all the resources for this particular episode. And what is this one about? YOUR story. Yep, your story is vital to the success of your business, and how you tell it is the most important part. I call it “story selling,” and it’s how you attract a following and engage them with you for the long haul. It’s the way you set yourself apart in their eyes and create a raving fan base rather than one time customers. I’m going to talk about all that on this episode of Onion Juice.
Why your story is so important.
In order for any business in these modern times to gain traction, it needs to be built upon a story. People are hardwired to think in terms of story. That’s why movies and books are so popular and continue to be. Your business has a story, and you need to be completely in tune with it so that you can tell it effectively to those who need what you have to offer. But you don’t want to tell it in a way that makes everything about you, your story exists for the service of your customers. You want to talk about them and what they need, and how your story and enables you to fulfill those needs. Find out how you can do that on this episode of Onion Juice.
HOW you tell your story is what matters.
If your potential clients are going to engage with you in a way that makes them loyal enough to tell others about you (which is what you want isn’t it?), then you have got to learn how to tell your story in a way that excites them. They need to be able to relate to it, to relate to you. They need to get to know you, not a perfect persona of who you want them to think you are, but who you really are. That way you feel real to them. That way you feel like a person just like them. People like to work with people, not businesses. On this episode I’m going to give you some tips about how you can tell your story in that fashion.
The Know, LIke, and Trust factor is essential.
Marketing guru Seth Godin, has often said that as you tell your story you have to gain people’s attention AND gain their trust. It’s both, not just one. Gone are the days of screaming at a potential audience through a television or radio commercial, you’ve got to engender trust in the way you communicate your message. And your message has to be about them, the client, the customer, the person you want to help. That is how you get them to know you, like you, and trust you, and trust is the key component in any business transaction. Be sure to listen to this episode of Onion Juice, I’m going to unload a boat load of contents about how you can build that trust.
The MUST ANSWER questions for the “About” page on your website.
If you have a website you probably have a page that is labeled “about.” It’s usually where we spout off a resume of qualifications and experiences. That is fine for as far as it goes, but it doesn’t go very far. Your about page has to be about your client – their needs, their desires, their pain, and how you are uniquely positioned to help them fix whatever problem it is they have come to you for. On this episode of Onion Juice I’m going to give you a list of questions that you must answer on your about Page, and give you a way you can have that list sent directly to you. This part alone is worth the time it will take you to listen.
Outline of this great episode
- [0:28] My welcome and preview of this episode.
- [0:43] Why “Onion Juice” for a podcast name?
- [2:10] What story are you telling your followers?
- [4:53] Every type of story that you tell your followers can be profitable.
- [5:37] Why you need to stand for something as a Realtor.
- [7:00] Decide who you are and what you want to be consistent with in your story.
- [8:30] Why your story needs to be told over and over and over.
- [10:30] The importance of being raw and real: like and trust.
- [12:58] Pay attention to your “about” or “bio” page with an eye on what the client is looking for.
- [14:37] Questions you should ask yourself when you’re creating your “about” or “bio” page.
Resources & Links mentioned in this episode
www.KnightBarry.com – Today’s sponsor for this episode.
Text “OJNotes” to “44222” to get the show notes sent to you along with my video about how to do an open house the right way!
My bio page: www.NeilMathweg.com/about
List of questions to ask when developing your bio –
– How did you arrive at running this business? What path brought you here?
– What are you known for professionally? What do you have a knack for?
– What’s the one problem you are best at solving for your clients?
– What do your ideal clients say about you?
– Who have you worked with in the past? And what have you done for them?
– What are you most passionate about professionally?
– What most excites you about your work & the contribution you can make?
– What are you passionate about personally?
– What do you really enjoy?
– What can’t you stop talking about?
– Where can we find you when you’re not working?
– What’s your favorite way to spend a weekend or a Sunday afternoon?
– How long have you been doing what you do?
– Where did you grow up and why aren’t you there now?
– Any volunteer activities you’re crazy about?
– Any nonprofits you love, & why?
– Any awards or medals, or even medallions? Personal okay, too.
– What would be impossible for you to give up?
– Why would someone not want to work with you?
– How do you want to be remembered?
– Anything else you’d like to tell people about yourself?
Connect with me for help on this neilmathweg (at) gmail (dot) com
Join me on Periscope: @NeilMathweg – Thursdays 10AM.
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