THIS is the real estate podcast where you can get your questions answered! It doesn’t matter if you are an experienced agent or brand new to the real estate game. I’m a real estate coach and mentor and manage a very busy and profitable real estate office. And I take a little different approach to things than most people. This episode of the podcast is aimed at answering your questions – anything you want to ask! So listen in to hear these 7 incredible questions answered and find out how you can ask your questions for the next Q&A Juice Bar episode!
As a new agent, how can I best prepare for the lean winter months in the real estate industry?
In many parts of the country, the winter is traditionally a slow time for real estate. I get that. I live in Madison, WI for crying out loud! Winter can seem like forever. But I don’t think you should allow yourself to settle into the “winter is slow” mentality. Instead, take Thanksgiving as a cue that you should ramp up your game even more. On this episode of the podcast, I’m going to tell every agent exactly what I’d do if I suspect a slow winter to KEEP IT from becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy.
I’ve just set up my first real estate Facebook page. What should I post on it?
You know that I love Facebook. Heck, I love all social media for that matter. So I’m happy when I hear of agents like the one who sent in this question who have set up their first real estate related Facebook page. And she’s got a good question about it: What should I post? You know that I’m not one to shy away from sharing my opinion about social media so I’ve got quite a few suggestions for this gal about what she can share on her Facebook page – and one of them is a consistent, pure gold idea. Can you guess what it is?
What is the difference between the agents who make it and those who don’t?
I hate, Hate, HATE to see new real estate agents quit the business – especially when they haven’t been given a chance by poor mentoring or bad advice by other agents. That’s a big reason Is tarted this real estate podcast – I want to help you become successful. A listener asked me what I see as being the difference between the agents who succeed in the real estate business and those who wash out. You may not like my answers but I’m going to shoot straight with you on this one. I want you to know exactly what you need to do in order to be successful – so I’m going to give you my honest opinion.
I need help writing my realtor bio. What suggestions do you have?
If you haven’t heard my opinion about why your story is so vitally important to your career as a real estate agent you need to go back to episode 24 to hear it. It’s a must. But beyond that, in this episode, I cover three approaches you could take to craft your story: the reluctant hero – the hometown boy makes good – and the Us VS Them scenario. If those sound a bit mysterious to you then you’ve got to listen to this episode. It will all make sense – I promise!
Outline of this great episode
- [0:01] My preview of what is going to be on this Q&A episode.
- [2:24] Why the Onion Juice?
- [5:07] QUESTION ONE: How can agents prepare for the slow times over the winter months?
- [7:58] QUESTION TWO: I need more help in the office but need more leads to justify it. What should I do?
- [13:37] QUESTION THREE: I’ve just set up my first Facebook page but am not sure how to come up with enough content.
- [17:11] QUESTION FOUR: The difference between agents who make it and those who don’t.
- [21:34] QUESTION FIVE: How do you do your 1 minute market report?
- [26:15] QUESTION SIX: I’m struggling with writing my real estate bio. Any tips?
- [28:23] QUESTION SEVEN: How do you learn how to podcast?
Resources & Links mentioned in this episode
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