Welcome to the Onion Juice Podcast! Today we’re going to talk with Nick Raithel, creator of The 7-Hour book, about how writing a book can be your best “calling card.” We’ll also talk about “finding your 25th hour” and other time management tips you can use, and I will fill you in on the details about my Roundbox coaching program. This is a fast-paced episode with lots of good information. So, fasten your seatbelts and get listening! Check out My Roundbox Coaching Program Roundbox Coaching has been launched after a year of beta-testing and is now available for everyone. In this episode, I’ll tell you all about it. You can overcome Shiny Object Syndrome and design and clear and consistent plan that fits who you are. I’ll tell you where to get all the information, and even tell you how to get my 15-option business plan page for free. If you’re wanting to design a…